Conversations Beyond Time
As a Secular Carmelite, like Teresa I am called to live out my mission as a good friend of Jesus, but ‘in the world’.
St. Teresa
How is it that a verse from poet’s hand can bridge the chasm from mind to soul?
Journaling in the Chapel
While in the Chapel after Mass this morning, a feeling of warmth came over me. Like being warmed by a heat, a magnificent flame, I began to think what a gift it was to be here in the presence of my Creator and His faithful Missionary Carmelites of St Teresa.
Listening Deeply
The capacity to "listen deeply"--an expression I'll use for this particular movement of the heart which, first, the poem and, second, the prayer speak of - this capacity does not come without practice.
Friendship with God
The Carmelite Rule exhorts all Carmelites to Meditate upon the Law of the Lord day and night. The Word of God is the food that nourishes prayer.