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St. Teresa Margaret Redi

Teresa Margaret belonged to the noble family of Redi, and was born in the Tuscan city of Arezzo in 1747. She entered the Discalced Carmelite monastery at Florence on September 1, 1764. She was granted a special grace of contemplative insight based on Saint John’s phrase God is love, through which she felt called to a hidden life of love and self-sacrifice. She progressed rapidly, fulfilling her vocation through heroic charity toward others. She died in Florence in 1770, aged twenty-three.


you enabled Saint Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
to draw untold resources of humility and charity
from the fountainhead, our Savior.
Through her prayers
may we never be separated from the love of Christ.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.

As seen in the Carmelite Proper of the Liturgy of Hours, Rome Institutum Carmelitanum 1993.

August 26

Transverberation of St. Teresa of Jesus

September 11

Bl. Maria of Jesus Lopez Rivas