2020 Assembly
From May 25 – June 4, 2020, the friars all gathered at Mt. Carmel Center in Dallas for our once-every-three-years Provincial Chapter. The Chapter acts as a legislative assembly for our region of the Discalced Carmelite Friars. At the Chapter, Fr. Luis Castañeda was installed as our regional superior. Frs. Gregory Ross and John Suenram were elected as his councilors. Also at the Chapter, our region adopted the designation “Semi-Province,” to reflect the way in which we are re-organizing our communities and our place within the worldwide Order of Discalced Carmelites.
During the Chapter, all of the friars received their assignments for the 2020-2023 triennium. You can see the new makeup of the communities of the Semi Province by visiting our website at carmelitefriarsocd.org.
Unfortunately, three of the friars left the Chapter with more than just a new assignment. Shortly after our meetings concluded, Frs. Ralph Reyes, John Suenram, and Luis Belmonte all tested positive for COVID-19. Fortunately, and thanks be to God, all of them recovered from their illnesses fairly quickly.
In the spring of 2020, our current novice, Br. Vladimir Guadalupe of Sts. Louis and Zelie, was clothed in the Discalced Carmelite habit. Br. Vladimir is receiving his novitiate training at Holy Hill, Wisconsin, along with the novices from the two other Discalced Carmelite provinces of the United States.
During 2020, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of priestly ordination of four of our friars: Frs. Marion Bui, Jerome Early, Jim Curiel, and Gregory Ross. Congratulations to our Silver Jubilarians!